People with weak eyesight dream to get rid of glasses and contact lenses so they can see clearly.
This can be possible with eye correction methods, including Evo ICL and LASIK. Both these treatments can fix your eyesight issues and help you see far and nearby things clearly.
But what do these eye treatments offer? How are these both different from each other? Which one is good for you?
Read this blog to get all satisfactory answers regarding the difference between EVO ICL and LASIK.
What is EVO ICL?

EVO ICl (Implantable Collamer Lens) is an eye procedure where a biocompatible lens is inserted into your eye. This lens works with your eye coordination and helps treat eye-sight issues.
This treatment is recommended for those between 21-45 years of age and suffering from moderate to severe myopia (ranging from -3.0D to -20.0D) and up to 4.0D of astigmatism.
EVO ICL is reversible if your eyesight changes. You can remove that lens through a minor surgery and change or remove the lens. Furthermore, it is a quick surgery that takes only 20-30 minutes for each eye.
This treatment has numerous advantages for your eye health, as it protects against UV light and prevents further damage.
For people with thin corneas or dry eyes, an ophthalmologist suggests using ICl instead of LASIK because there is no tissue removal.
What is LASIK?

LASIK, which stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, is a popular method for correcting vision. Approved by the FDA 25 years ago, it has been successfully performed in 20 to 25 million procedures, benefiting about 10 to 15 million patients to date.
It involves the reshaping of the cornea using a laser technique, allowing the light to focus more accurately on the cornea. This size adjustment of the cornea improves eyesight and eliminates the need for glasses.
LASIK is suggested for those who are 18 years or older and have a healthy cornea. Thin or dry cornea is not a good target for LASIK. It also provides excellent results for mild to moderate refractive errors (-0.75D to -10.0D).
However, people who choose the LASIK experience a significant change in 24 hours and long-term eyesight improvement.
EVO Visian ICL vs LASIK: Exploring Key Differences
Here is a detailed comparison between LASIK vs EVO ICL that will help you choose the right option.
Mechanism of Action
LASIK is an adjustment of corneal size with a laser in which a bit of eye tissue is removed so that light refracts and gets focused on the retina.
At the same time, EVO ICL does not need any change in your eye tissue. Instead, it involves an external lens upon your natural lens. It focuses the light correctly and provides extra protection for those with thin corneal tissue.
LASIK is most effective for mild to moderate refractive errors in individuals with healthy corneas.
On the other hand, EVO ICL is appropriate for those with severe myopia, thin corneas, or a history of dry eye.
LASIK changes the structure of your eye, which is irreversible and a permanent treatment.
However, EVO ICL is reversible, as the lens can be changed if needed.
Vision in Night
LASIK has a few complications, like glare, dry eyes, or halo eyes, especially at night.
In contrast, EVO ICL provides good vision at night with minor glare problems.
Recovery Times
After 24 hours of LASIK, patients usually start their daily activities.
However, after EVO ICL, it takes almost two weeks to start normal activities.
How to Choose Between EVO Visian ICL vs LASIK
Both eye corrective treatments are good for improving your eyesight. However, here are some factors that make one of these treatments best suited for you.
Lifestyle Preferences
For those who value flexibility and the option to reverse the procedure, EVO ICL stands out.
Since the lens can be removed or updated as your vision changes, it offers future adaptability that LASIK cannot provide due to its permanent nature.
Budget Considerations
When it comes to EVO ICL vs Lasik cost, LASIK is generally a more affordable option. EVO ICL offers distinct benefits for certain candidates that can make the higher cost worthwhile.
The ability to address challenging conditions like thin corneas and severe nearsightedness makes the initial price difference worthwhile.
Prescription Suitability
If your refractive error is mild to moderate, LASIK could be the perfect fit for your vision needs.
However, if you have severe myopia or thin corneas, EVO ICL often becomes the better option due to its ability to address higher prescriptions without altering the cornea’s structure.
Future Vision Needs
EVO ICL provides a clear edge for the possibility of future eye surgeries, such as cataract removal.
In contrast to LASIK, which permanently changes the cornea, EVO ICL preserves your eye’s natural structure, allowing for greater flexibility in undergoing future procedures.
All In All
After a detailed review of LASIK and EVO ICL, we can conclude that both treatments benefit different conditions. People with thin cornea and dry eyes are well suited for EVO ICL, while those looking for long-lasting treatment with zero downtime should go for LASIK.
Besides this, lifestyle preferences, budget considerations, and prescription requirements are also factors that must be considered while choosing the right option for your eyes.
Most importantly, consulting with a qualified ophthalmologist is essential to determine the most suitable option for your eyes.
For those in Central Texas seeking expert advice, Texan Eye provides comprehensive ophthalmology services, including both EVO ICL and LASIK procedures. With over 25 years of experience, our team specializes in advanced laser and lens implant surgeries, ensuring personalized care tailored to your vision needs.
Yes, you can get LASIK treatment if you already use contact lenses. It is advisable to cease wearing lenses one to two weeks before the treatment.
Yes, both procedures can correct astigmatism. EVO ICL can treat up to 4.0D of astigmatism, while LASIK is effective for mild to moderate levels depending on corneal thickness.
You can continue swimming after two weeks of LASIK while resuming your exercise routine after one week. In the case of EVO ICL, you can start swimming and workout after two weeks for good healing.