
At Texan Eye, our team of expert retina specialists in Austin offers comprehensive diagnostics and cutting-edge treatments to help preserve and protect your vision.

What is the Retina?

The retina is a crucial part of your eye, playing a vital role in how you see the world around you. It is a delicate, light-sensitive tissue lining the back of your eye, much like the film in an old-fashioned camera. 

This thin layer is packed with millions of specialized cells called photoreceptors. Photoreceptors are responsible for detecting light and color.

When light enters your eye, it passes through the cornea, lens, and other structures before reaching the retina. Once the light lands on the retina, the photoreceptors convert the light into electrical signals.

These signals then travel through the optic nerve to your brain, which interprets them as the images you see. The retina also contains a small area called the macula, which is responsible for your central, high-resolution vision. 

This is the part of your retina that allows you to read, recognize faces, and see fine details. 

What Are Some Common Retinal Conditions?

Retinal conditions can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. Here are some of the most common issues we see at Texan Eye:

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

AMD is a leading cause of vision loss in older adults. It occurs when the macula, the central part of the retina, begins to deteriorate. 

There are two types:

Dry AMD: The more common form, characterized by the gradual thinning of the macula.

Wet AMD: A more severe form where abnormal blood vessels grow under the retina, potentially 

causing rapid vision loss if left untreated.

Diabetic Retinopathy

This eye condition affects people with diabetes and occurs when high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels in the retina. 

Retinal Detachment

This serious condition occurs when the retina separates from the back of the eye. It can happen due to injury, age-related changes, or other eye conditions. 

Retinal detachment requires immediate medical attention to prevent permanent vision loss.

Macular Hole

A small break in the macula can cause distorted or blurred central vision. Macular holes often 

develop as a result of age-related changes in the eye.

Retinal Vein Occlusion

This condition occurs when a vein in the retina becomes blocked, leading to bleeding, swelling, and potential vision loss. It’s more common in people with high blood pressure or other cardiovascular risk factors.

What Are the Symptoms of a Retinal Condition?

Recognizing the signs of retinal problems is critical to maintaining healthy vision. While symptoms can vary, there are common indicators to watch for.

Changes in central vision, such as blurriness or distortion, especially when looking straight ahead, may signal retinal issues. You might find reading or recognizing faces more challenging or notice dark areas in your central vision.

Peripheral vision can also be affected, with possible loss of side vision or shadows at the edges of sight. A sudden increase in floaters or flashes of light could indicate a more serious condition.

One telltale symptom, particularly associated with macular degeneration, is when straight lines appear wavy or bent. In some cases, retinal conditions may cause sudden vision loss, which requires immediate medical attention. 

It’s important to note that some retinal conditions may not present noticeable symptoms early on. For this reason, regular eye exams are crucial, especially for those with risk factors like diabetes or high blood pressure. 

At Texan Eye, our experienced retina specialists, Dr. Loose and Dr. Sanchez, use advanced diagnostic tools to detect retinal issues early, often before symptoms become obvious. If you experience any of these symptoms, especially if they occur suddenly, contact Texan Eye for an evaluation.

What Treatments Are Available For Retinal Conditions?

At Texan Eye, we offer a comprehensive range of advanced treatments for retinal conditions. Our approach combines education with cutting-edge care to ensure our patients are well-informed and receive the best possible treatment.

Intravitreal Injections

One of the most significant advancements in retinal care is the use of intravitreal injections. These involve the injection of a medication directly into the eye to treat various retinal conditions, including diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration.

Our retina specialists offer a wide array of intravitreal injections, including:

  • Avastin
  • Eylea
  • Eylea HD
  • Lucentis 0.5 mg
  • Ozurdex 
  • Kenalog 
  • Beovu 
  • Izervay
  • Vabysmo

Laser Treatments

In addition to injections, we offer various in-office laser treatments performed by our skilled specialists. Our laser treatments are designed to address a wide range of retinal conditions, providing targeted care for each patient’s specific needs.

Surgical Interventions

For more complex cases, we offer advanced surgical procedures. These procedures are performed by our experienced retinal surgeons, Dr. Loose and Dr. Sanchez, ensuring the highest level of care.

These advanced imaging techniques allow your eye doctor to detect and monitor retinal conditions, guiding your treatment plan.

Expert Retinal Care

At Texan Eye, we’re committed to offering a full spectrum of retinal care. Our services are available at our Balcones and Cedar Park locations, where our team of experts is dedicated to preserving and improving your vision.

We understand that dealing with retinal conditions can be concerning but rest assured that you’re in capable hands with our team. Whether you need routine monitoring, advanced diagnostic imaging, or cutting-edge treatments, we’re here to provide personalized care tailored to your unique needs.

Early detection and prompt treatment are crucial in managing retinal conditions successfully. 

If you’re experiencing any changes in your vision or are due for a comprehensive eye exam, schedule an appointment at Texan Eye in Austin, TX!